Cranberry, American (Vaccinium macrocarpum)
Full sun to part shade. Zone 3-6. Will perform better if shaded from late afternoon sun.
Moist, acidic, well-drained soils with high organic content. Cranberries grow in the same type soils as blueberries and should be well mulched and kept constantly moist.
A low-growing, mat-forming, evergreen ground cover to 10 inches. Its delicate, tiny leaves turn an attractive burgundy in winter.
Excellent native ground cover plant for mountain home landscapes. Interplant as a ground cover under your blueberries or in a moist rock garden. Tiny, evergreen leaves turn burgundy in the winter.
Tart, vitamin-dense fruit that is rich in antioxidants and has traditionally been used to treat urinary tract infections. Makes delicious juice or sauces from the fall fruits or eat them raw for a treat.
Varieties include:
‘Ben Lear’ – A wild variety with large, early-ripening fruit. – unavailable
‘Pilgrim’ – Brightest red and largest fruited variety. Ripens later than other varieties. – unavailable
‘Stevens’ – A leading commercial variety with high-quality fruit.
$12.00 / 4″ pot, $20.00 / 1 gal.