Fig (Ficus carica)

Full sun. Zones 7-10. Protect figs from winter winds, in a south-aspected location.


For best production, moist and well-drained soils, though figs are quite drought tolerant once established. Avoid poorly-draining winter soils.


Heat and drought tolerant, will reach 10 to 15 feet at maturity, but can be maintained at around 6 feet with regular pruning. Figs are stem hardy to around 10 degrees F and root hardy to -20 degrees F. They grow quite well at lower elevations in the Southern Appalachians.

Self fruitful.


Figs are beautiful shrubs with a distinct leaf pattern, few pests or disease problems, and delicious, alluring fruit. Because of their preference for warmth, they are excellent plants to put against south-facing walls of every type. Protect from winter winds.


Figs produce abundant, sweet fruit that can be purplish, dark brown, green, or yellow when ripe. After a mild winter, fruit production begins in late June, otherwise expect a fall fruit crop.

Varieties include:

‘Black Spanish’ – A new variety for UPN. Grown for many years in Oregon, which also has a short fruiting season. This reliable and productive variety bears abundant crops of dark mahogany colored fruit. The very sweet, juicy, and firm fruit is great for fresh eating, preserves, and drying. A naturally dwarf tree, Black Spanish is well suited for container culture. – not available

‘Brown Turkey’, ‘Philly Brown Turkey’, ‘Vern’s Brown Turkey’ – A reliable producer of very large, sweet brown figs. Early.

‘Chicago Hardy’ – Similar to Celeste. Hardy to below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, purplish brown sweet fruit.

‘Danny’s Delight’ – A good-flavored purplish-brown sweet fruit. The sweetest fig we grow. – not available

‘Celeste‘ or ‘Tennessee Mountain’ – A time-tested, sweet and rich-flavored brown fig.

‘Desert King’– A vigorous tree, heavy bearing variety. Fruit is green with white flecks, with violet-pink pulp. – not available

‘Kadota’ – A vigorous and productive variety with yellow good-flavored fruit.

‘Lattarulla’ – A new variety for UPN. Also known as Italian Honey Fig, this reliable and hardy variety has been producing delicious figs for many years in the Pacific Northwest. Lattarulla bears good crops of large, greenish yellow fruit with sweet, light amber flesh. not available

‘LSU Purple’ – Developed at LSU by O’Rourke and produces an attractive small purple fig. This small sized fig has a purple skin with pink flesh and an excellent flavor. It has a closed eye so the fig does very well during wet seasons. It is excellent eaten fresh from the tree.

‘Magnolia’ – Large reddish brown figs. Ornamental foliage. Most popular canning variety in the south, but prone to fruit splitting in wet weather. – not available

‘Negronne’ – Naturally dwarf fig grows to 8-10 feet tall (smaller in a container). Full-size fruit with maroon-black skin and bright red flesh. Perfect for preserves or raw eating, it is a sweet treat midsummer until mid-fall. – not available

‘Verte’ – A new variety for UPN. Very sweet figs are green on the outside and strawberry red inside. The green color fools the birds. Especially good for dried figs. – not available


$22.00/1 gal, $27.00 / 2 gal, $32.00/3 gal (not all varieties available in all sizes)

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(828) 669-6517

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