Plum (Prunus spp.) – UNAVAILABLE

Full sun. Zones 2-6.


Well-drained garden soil.


‘American Plum’ (Prunus americana) – Native plum seedlings growing to 12’.

Need two seedlings for cross pollination.


Use plums as a home orchard tree or as a small, spreading tree in mixed shrub borders.


American plum – A tea made from the scraped inner bark is used as a wash to treat various skin problems and as a mouth wash to treat sores. A poultice of the inner bark is disinfectant and is used as a treatment on cuts and wounds.

Bounty plum – The leaves create a green dye and the inner bark can be used as an astringent color fixative when dyeing with other plants


American plum (Prunus americana) – Native plum seedlings growing to 12’. Fruit is succulent and juicy but has a tough skin. It is best cooked. A tea made from the scraped inner bark is used as a wash to treat various skin problems and as a mouth wash to treat sores. A poultice of the inner bark is disinfectant and is used as a treatment on cuts and wounds. (Out of stock until fall 2013.)


$32 / 3 gallon, $39 / 5 gallon


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