Raspberry (Rubus spp.)
Full sun to light shade. Zones 3 to 9.
Average to moist, rich, well-drained garden soil. Prefers acidic to circumneutral garden soil.
Spreading brambles that develop sprawling semi-woody canes to 6 feet.
Raspberries are best planted in trellised beds or along fences for easy harvest. Raspberry beds are often located adjacent to vegetable gardens as they have similar soil requirements. They are excellent subjects for berry farming. Raspberry beds will need periodic renovation to maintain their productivity.
Whichever raspberry variety you choose, their fruit is delicious and highly nutritious. Raspberries are best fresh, but can be juiced, made into fruit preserves or desserts, frozen or dried.
Available varieties:
‘Caroline’ – An everbearing variety with large, firm red fruit. Chuck’s favorite red raspberry. 2 Available
‘Jewell Black’ – A disease-resistant black raspberry with early-ripening, high-quality berries.
‘Fall Gold’ – Everbearing yellow-gold raspberry is extremely sweet and excellent for fresh eating, canning, and preserves. Similar to red raspberries in all respects but color, they are vigorous and extremely hardy. Fall Gold is very similar to the Heritage Red Raspberry in growth habits, fruiting times, and maintenance, but much more flavorful. 23 Available
‘Heritage’ – 6 Available
$22.00 / 1 gal., $27.00 / 2 gal