Serviceberry, tree (Amelanchier spp.) – LIMITED SUPPLY
Full sun to partial shade. Zones 4-8.
Prefers moist, well-drained, acidic soil though quite tolerant of a range of soils, including poor quality urban soils.
Vigorous, multiple or single stemmed small trees from 10 to 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide, depending upon cultural practices. Delightful white flowers in early spring are followed by abundant magenta to blue-black blueberry sized fruit in July. Tree serviceberry fall foliage color is often spectacular, varying from yellow to orange and red. The tree serviceberry interesting winter branch architecture, combined with the aforementioned seasonal qualities, and its relative disease and insect resistance, makes it a top choice for any home landscape.
Specimen tree, or as a small accent tree to complement foundation or massed plantings.
Serviceberry’s sweet, blueberry-sized blue black fruit is loaded with anthocyanins and other antioxidant compounds on par with blueberry. The fruit is delightful for fresh eating, pie making, and making the finest of preserves.
Varieties include:
‘Allegheny Serviceberry’ (Amelanchier laevis) – A narrow, open native tree with delicious sweet fruit. 18-20′ high by 18-20′ wide.
June berry, (Amelanchier lamarckii) – A large shrub or small tree, this serviceberry bears clusters of star-shaped white flowers in spring followed by purple to black fruits. Fall foliage is yellow to red. Makes a good under story tree. 20-30′ tall by 10-15′ wide.
$22.00 / 1 gal., $32.00 / 3 gal.